World-class experts share clinical insights and the latest scientific research on the best holistic treatments for depression – FREE!
October 10 - October 16, 2017
The rate of depression is growing at an alarming rate.
But is our understanding of it growing at the same pace?
If you suffer from depression, you know how terrible it feels. You know how hard it is to function and get things done in your day-to-day life. You know how heartbreaking it is to lose your basic interest in life. You know what a strain it puts on your family.
And the statistics can often make us feel even worse:
- Depression affects more than 15 million U.S. adults
- One in ten Americans takes an anti-depressant medication
- Among women, it is one in four
- Depression is growing in all age groups, in virtually every community
- Depression is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. among people 15-44
- It is predicted to be the 2nd most disabling condition in the world by 2020
- Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S. for ages 15-24
Given all this, it’s hard to say conventional treatment for depression is working.
But even if you commit to conventional treatment – with one or more anti-depressants - you might not like the way they make you feel, or you may not like their common side effects.
You might be curious if there is anything else you can do, especially when you hear that based on the pharmaceutical industry’s own testing, anti-depressants fare little better than a placebo.
At The Depression Dialogues, you’ll learn –
- How imbalances in your gut might be contributing to your depression
- What dietary influences cause inflammation - and how that’s not good for mental health
- Why you’re not simply a “medical diagnosis,” and how to acknowledge the parts of your heart and soul that might be calling out for help
- Why getting a test for insulin resistance is so important if you’re depressed
- Why functional physicians might be “the new psychiatrists”
- How ancient healing arts like Ayurveda create customized mind-body protocols that take into account your unique body type
- Why antidepressant medication may not be as effective as you believe
- Why those suffering from depression should avoid sugar and gluten
And much, much more!

David Perlmutter, M.D.
Understanding Depression as a Disease of Inflammation

Kellyann Petrucci, MS, ND
Bone Broth and Ancestral Foods: The Core of Your Antidepressant Diet

John Gray, PhD
Depression on Mars and Venus: How Hormones Create Different Kinds of Depression for Men and Women

Eric Maisel
When Families Trigger Depression: Tips on Managing Your Difficult Family

William Walsh, PhD
Holistic Medicine’s Best-Kept Secret: Using Nutrient Therapy to Heal Depression

Irving Kirsch, PhD
The Placebo Effect of Antidepressants: A Review of the Evidence

Akil Palanisamy, MD
Understanding the Depression of Different Body Types Using Ayurveda

Shoshana Bennett, PhD
Treating New Moms with Care: Understanding the Complexity of Post-Partum Depression

Dr. Oscar Serrallach
Is Post-Partum Depression Actually Post-Partum Depletion? The Functional Medicine Approach

Georgia Ede, MD
Fat, Protein, Carbs: Discovering the Best Ratio for Optimal Mental Health

Richard O’Connor, PhD
Undoing Depression: Change Your Habits to Rewire Your Brain

Judy Tsafrir, MD
Holistic Psychiatry: The Magic of Allowing Biology, Emotions and Spirit to Converge

Tamar Stone, MA, CHT
How understanding your vulnerable inner child could be the key to unlocking your depression
And, just for registering for The Depression Dialogues you’ll receive the following FREE bonuses:


Heather Juergensen from The Strong Woman is the host of The Depression Dialogues.
Juergensen is a health and wellness blogger and private health coach based in Los Angeles. A former actress, screenwriter and filmmaker, she is now CEO of The Strong Woman, a consultancy firm dedicated to greater patient education and awareness in both formal healthcare and day-to-day life. She advocates for smart lifestyle choices in areas like nutrition and stress management. Having suffered from depression for years, she is now passionate about educating people on simple holistic protocols that can alleviate the condition without a long-term dependence on pharmaceutical drugs.
You can find more of her philosophy and writing at www.thestrongwoman.net